by AER Guyton
Last week’s “Right to Rest Act” turned down by the Colorado State legislature, also know of as the ‘homeless bill of rights’, typifies the problems surrounding a much larger issue at hand: Ghettoization as a post-9/11 national security policy.
The 1970’s higher profile FBI COINTELPRO style
assassinations of liberation leaders and other public figures
are less common these days. Instead, there is a seemingly
revised policy promoting disappearances – ghettoization
instead of actual incarceration, internment camps, or
assassinations. The 'Disappeared' is a term used in
Argentina, Guatemala, and in Mexico, used to describe
those persons whose deaths have been covered up by
right-wing governmental forces, as is the case with the 46
students who recently disappeared in Guadalajara.
American disappearances are also occurring, but include
the recently impoverished middle class and the millions of
recently created homeless people - shelter dwellers, car
campers, couch surfers, tenters, perennial house guests -
whose epidemic proportions throughout the states 26
required Los Angeles' Mayor to recently declare a state of
emergency.27 These ghettoized targets are also effectively
‘disappearing’ - from access to telecommunication, mail,
work, police protection, voter polls, shelter, rest, and social
networks as they also disappear from a political base
previously known of as democracy.28
Today’s transparently lethal combination of the USA PATRIOT Act, the PRECISE Act, the PRISM Act, and the so-called revised 2015 FREEDOM Act, garnished by annual Presidential Executive Orders reaffirming a state of
national emergency, amplifies those same COINTELPRO techniques by creating a National Intelligence network of federal, regional, state, and local agencies and law enforcement officers tasked with performing identical socio-pathological acts of political violence against independent thinkers and leftists.
The specific method that spreads this gestapo-style criminalization phenomena across the country is linked to an ongoing national security fear baiting campaign, cleverly disguised as a hunt for domestic terrorists. Local police, State Troopers, the FBI, and Joint Terrorism Task Force paramilitary contractors attend DT Conferences (Domestic Terrorist) where they share lists of names, surveillance techniques, and then collaborate on methods for brutalizing and fraudulently arresting innocent people.14 After being fed this libel and numerous falsified Suspicious Activity Reports, JTTF agents work with local police to patrol the communities where 'suspicious' targets live and work while deliriously following the commands of their national security superiors. DT's? That's a term for Delirium Tremors, as if phantom domestic terrorists are only in the heads of National Intelligence.
In an ongoing expansion of politically violent national security policies, municipalities across America are now escalating the criminalization phase of political dissenters and the homeless that Bush, Wall Street and the FBI previously ghettoized.12 13 Traffic arrests, trespassing arrests, and camping tickets are accruing for persons without criminal records, thereby furthering ghettoization policies since jobs, homes and even voting rights are negatively affected by criminal records. No doubt a nation-wide national security DT conference initiative, these surges in trespassing arrests are made as targets walk down streets, go into public buildings, lay on sidewalks or sit on park benches to rest, as evidenced in Sioux Falls where more than four hundred trespassing charges were filed in 2015 in contrast to the previous year's count of around thirty.15
Additionally, the police are shooting or killing whoever they want these days as if they’re hyped-up on militarization fantasies of being Navy SEALs or DELTA Force members fighting in the middle east. Police murders within previously domestic ghettoized populations include a death count of 1030 this year, according to the RiseUpOctober web site: Michael Brown with multiple head shots in Ferguson, Eric Garner with a choke hold in Staten Island, Laquan McDonald with 16 body shots in Chicago, and Freddie Gray in Baltimore, whose legs on video appear broken from a police beating before he even entered the van where he died. Twelve year old Tamir Rice was murdered while playing with a BB gun in a Cleveland park, a murder supported by FBI agent Crawford's subsequent investigative report.
A recent murder surge by the police of fourteen year old youths include Cameron Tillman in Louisiana, Radazz Hearn in Trenton, and L'Quante Riles in Chicago. Emmett Till was fourteen when he was lynched in Money, Mississippi. This pattern of escalating police state violence draws parallels to the civil rights era racially motivated assassinations, recently noticed by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
To illustrate national security’s political policies, review the history of Occupy Wall Street: A bold and non-violent movement comprised of people, college students and other dissenters spread across the nation and was organized to counteract this politically violent war waged against American peoples by George Bush, Jr.'s, administration and economic policies. Unlike Tea Party enthusiasts in 2010 that openly promoted an armed rebellion against the federal government, OWS was hounded, monitored and entrapped from its earliest days by collaborative efforts between banks, corporations and national security agencies as non-violent dissenters were gassed, arrested, ghettoized and thrown onto Indexes/Watchlists, since they weren't extremist Republicans like the Tea Party or future Donald Trump supporters.
In Texas, targeted organizer Sandra Bland of Black Lives Matters was killed in jail by police after being falsely arrested and brutalized, simply on her way home that day after a job interview. Police claimed she committed suicide. Additional people, also young and healthy, arrested for not paying alleged traffic citations or misdemeanors are also mysteriously dying while in custody, as Choctaw leader Rexdale Henry did in Mississippi and as pregnant Sara Lee Circle Bear did in South Dakota. Other recent inexplicable jail deaths include Jonathan Sanders, Troy Goode, Michael Deangelo McDougle, and Orlando Guyton, all occurring in Mississippi.
Environmentalists, like Jeff Luens of Earth First!, have been absurdly relabeled as terrorists, while several others, such as Larry Gibson and Julie Bonds, recently died from complications that their friends say were due to toxic chemicals and environmental poisoning resulting from the coal industry's outrageous Mountain Top Removal raping system used near their residences. Judy Barri also died from complications, but after the FBI planted a bomb in her car that blew up while she was inside.
Like the current policies of criminalizing the homeless, a telling pattern of subverted due process emerges among these above listed individual cases and includes entrapment, false affidavits and planted evidence, fraudulent charges, jail sentences incompatible with their alleged crimes, derailed investigations, efforts at defense thwarted and attorneys silenced, secret allegations, secret court hearings, false imprisonment, ghettoization, environmental poisonings, murder, orchestrated assisted-suicide efforts, and cover-ups by the FBI in defense of local police and likeminded private citizens.
In each of these cases, the real terrorists - individuals working within the national security network, neo-Nazi extremists inside and outside this network, and their corporate sponsors - join efforts to protect themselves, their political agenda and the interests of their funding sources. As another example, if the 2016 Oregon militia had been comprised of Muslims or Black Lives Matter protestors, they would have instantly been tear gassed and shot by a mass of local police and federal agents sporting Homeland Security grant funded military gear.
George Bush, Jr.'s, administration didn't create these methods of domestic political violence. In reality, similar
systems have been used to commit acts of genocide against Native Americans for more than 500 years, to subjugate peoples, steal their lands and rape the earth for its mineral resources.34 The Spanish with the help of Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortez, and Hernando deSoto, began the infection, enslavement and slaughter
of millions of indigenous peoples throughout the Caribbean and the Americas.35
Similar methods of political violence have also been used for 400 years against enslaved African Americans and continued after Emancipation: Sexual and economic slavery, rape, maiming, arson, murder, and the resulting Great Migration of 6.5 million persons from the south to cities across America, only to find more white supremacists, continued segregation and ghettos. Similar to those political ghettos, Native Americans have referred to the reservation system as political prisons ever since they were established.
After WWII, interned Japanese Americans were apologized to in the form of financial compensation for their horrific experiences and losses which were valued beyond dollar amounts. Today, like those Japanese Americans from coast to coast, every person can be liable to be caught in the cross hairs of national security racketeering, Indexed, Watchlisted, and held as a virtual political prisoner by constant surveillance and ‘roving choke points'. Unlike after WWII, the federal government today refuses to acknowledge these gestapo tactics, refuses to acknowledge a national security policy of incarceration, assisted-suicide and ghettoization, and refuses, so far, to admit to the resulting crimes of cultural cleansing and genocide.
Look at today's available statistics and draw similarities: 48 million people are on food stamps, 170 million adults depending on social services of one form or another, assisted-suicide rates up throughout age brackets, 1.6 million urban homeless people and counting, 1.6 million people actually incarcerated, and only 63% participation in the civilian work force, which means 36%, or more than 120 million of the able bodied civilian population don't have jobs. Meanwhile, President Obama just announced the current Department of Labor unemployment rate at 5.1%57, but that statistic obviously isn't correct for several reasons: Those who've been unemployed too long are forced off compensation and are removed from the DoL statistics (add untabulated amount); those people sacrificed by capitalism (add 4%) who've never worked aren't included in unemployment roles; those who qualify for food stamps (add a portion of 15%) cannot also receive employment income more than $1200 per month, meaning they don't meet full employment criteria; and, the previously self-employed, the 'new poor',58 never qualified for Unemployment Compensation since they worked for themselves and a vast majority didn't pay into Social Security's compensation system, thus were never included in these DoL statistics (add untabulated amount).
These statistics are not fictionalized. Looking at similar statistics on Native reservations, inner cities like Baltimore or Detroit, or in southern towns such as Crawford or Brooksville, Mississippi, double or triple these rates.59 Understood in context, true figures such as these when linked to their political causes only reflect a hidden federal policy of disappearance 60 by way of ghettoization, of poverty and homelessness used as rightwing political tools,61 62 63 as they were in 'Manifest Destiny' America and in Nazi Germany.
Billionaires like the Koch brothers, whose father happened to refined oil for Hitler’s regime, have been funding this right-wing coup while their financed GOP politicians reduce food allotments for the poor,65 promote violence against women,66 destroy medical care for veteran women and men after they return from war,67 and deny affordable college loan programs after which the Koch's foundation privately offer monies to African American college students with the hope that they become thankful right-wingers.68 Self-deportation measures which destroyed Mexican American communities and local economies throughout Arizona were promoted by those same GOP politicians. Then, the Koch's again privately offered food packages and aid to those remaining community members they had impoverished.69
Michigan's Governor Snyder's method was to declare a state of emergency in five African American communities before disrupting democracy by appointing managers to replace elected officials. These managers then poisoned the water in Flint, and disrupted schools and water supply systems in Detroit. Lakota and Navajo peoples in the Dakotas, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona are also being poisoned, but by uranium instead of lead, and have been since Eisenhower's administration through the help of private corporations, state environmental authorities, the Atomic Energy Commission, and elected politicians. 71 72 73
The ghettoization of millions of Americans and the current criminalization phase of the homeless is not a local or individual state-wide phenomena, it is a policy of political violence with deep historic roots being waged, again, against millions of innocent peoples. This current reiteration of political violence must be discussed and recognized by every citizen and politician in order to destroy their ignorance of and blindness to this underlying politically violent phenomena which is destroying the very fabric of democracy.
The 1970’s higher profile FBI COINTELPRO style
assassinations of liberation leaders and other public figures
are less common these days. Instead, there is a seemingly
revised policy promoting disappearances – ghettoization
instead of actual incarceration, internment camps, or
assassinations. The 'Disappeared' is a term used in
Argentina, Guatemala, and in Mexico, used to describe
those persons whose deaths have been covered up by
right-wing governmental forces, as is the case with the 46
students who recently disappeared in Guadalajara.
American disappearances are also occurring, but include
the recently impoverished middle class and the millions of
recently created homeless people - shelter dwellers, car
campers, couch surfers, tenters, perennial house guests -
whose epidemic proportions throughout the states 26
required Los Angeles' Mayor to recently declare a state of
emergency.27 These ghettoized targets are also effectively
‘disappearing’ - from access to telecommunication, mail,
work, police protection, voter polls, shelter, rest, and social
networks as they also disappear from a political base
previously known of as democracy.28
Today’s transparently lethal combination of the USA PATRIOT Act, the PRECISE Act, the PRISM Act, and the so-called revised 2015 FREEDOM Act, garnished by annual Presidential Executive Orders reaffirming a state of
national emergency, amplifies those same COINTELPRO techniques by creating a National Intelligence network of federal, regional, state, and local agencies and law enforcement officers tasked with performing identical socio-pathological acts of political violence against independent thinkers and leftists.
The specific method that spreads this gestapo-style criminalization phenomena across the country is linked to an ongoing national security fear baiting campaign, cleverly disguised as a hunt for domestic terrorists. Local police, State Troopers, the FBI, and Joint Terrorism Task Force paramilitary contractors attend DT Conferences (Domestic Terrorist) where they share lists of names, surveillance techniques, and then collaborate on methods for brutalizing and fraudulently arresting innocent people.14 After being fed this libel and numerous falsified Suspicious Activity Reports, JTTF agents work with local police to patrol the communities where 'suspicious' targets live and work while deliriously following the commands of their national security superiors. DT's? That's a term for Delirium Tremors, as if phantom domestic terrorists are only in the heads of National Intelligence.
In an ongoing expansion of politically violent national security policies, municipalities across America are now escalating the criminalization phase of political dissenters and the homeless that Bush, Wall Street and the FBI previously ghettoized.12 13 Traffic arrests, trespassing arrests, and camping tickets are accruing for persons without criminal records, thereby furthering ghettoization policies since jobs, homes and even voting rights are negatively affected by criminal records. No doubt a nation-wide national security DT conference initiative, these surges in trespassing arrests are made as targets walk down streets, go into public buildings, lay on sidewalks or sit on park benches to rest, as evidenced in Sioux Falls where more than four hundred trespassing charges were filed in 2015 in contrast to the previous year's count of around thirty.15
Additionally, the police are shooting or killing whoever they want these days as if they’re hyped-up on militarization fantasies of being Navy SEALs or DELTA Force members fighting in the middle east. Police murders within previously domestic ghettoized populations include a death count of 1030 this year, according to the RiseUpOctober web site: Michael Brown with multiple head shots in Ferguson, Eric Garner with a choke hold in Staten Island, Laquan McDonald with 16 body shots in Chicago, and Freddie Gray in Baltimore, whose legs on video appear broken from a police beating before he even entered the van where he died. Twelve year old Tamir Rice was murdered while playing with a BB gun in a Cleveland park, a murder supported by FBI agent Crawford's subsequent investigative report.
A recent murder surge by the police of fourteen year old youths include Cameron Tillman in Louisiana, Radazz Hearn in Trenton, and L'Quante Riles in Chicago. Emmett Till was fourteen when he was lynched in Money, Mississippi. This pattern of escalating police state violence draws parallels to the civil rights era racially motivated assassinations, recently noticed by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
To illustrate national security’s political policies, review the history of Occupy Wall Street: A bold and non-violent movement comprised of people, college students and other dissenters spread across the nation and was organized to counteract this politically violent war waged against American peoples by George Bush, Jr.'s, administration and economic policies. Unlike Tea Party enthusiasts in 2010 that openly promoted an armed rebellion against the federal government, OWS was hounded, monitored and entrapped from its earliest days by collaborative efforts between banks, corporations and national security agencies as non-violent dissenters were gassed, arrested, ghettoized and thrown onto Indexes/Watchlists, since they weren't extremist Republicans like the Tea Party or future Donald Trump supporters.
In Texas, targeted organizer Sandra Bland of Black Lives Matters was killed in jail by police after being falsely arrested and brutalized, simply on her way home that day after a job interview. Police claimed she committed suicide. Additional people, also young and healthy, arrested for not paying alleged traffic citations or misdemeanors are also mysteriously dying while in custody, as Choctaw leader Rexdale Henry did in Mississippi and as pregnant Sara Lee Circle Bear did in South Dakota. Other recent inexplicable jail deaths include Jonathan Sanders, Troy Goode, Michael Deangelo McDougle, and Orlando Guyton, all occurring in Mississippi.
Environmentalists, like Jeff Luens of Earth First!, have been absurdly relabeled as terrorists, while several others, such as Larry Gibson and Julie Bonds, recently died from complications that their friends say were due to toxic chemicals and environmental poisoning resulting from the coal industry's outrageous Mountain Top Removal raping system used near their residences. Judy Barri also died from complications, but after the FBI planted a bomb in her car that blew up while she was inside.
Like the current policies of criminalizing the homeless, a telling pattern of subverted due process emerges among these above listed individual cases and includes entrapment, false affidavits and planted evidence, fraudulent charges, jail sentences incompatible with their alleged crimes, derailed investigations, efforts at defense thwarted and attorneys silenced, secret allegations, secret court hearings, false imprisonment, ghettoization, environmental poisonings, murder, orchestrated assisted-suicide efforts, and cover-ups by the FBI in defense of local police and likeminded private citizens.
In each of these cases, the real terrorists - individuals working within the national security network, neo-Nazi extremists inside and outside this network, and their corporate sponsors - join efforts to protect themselves, their political agenda and the interests of their funding sources. As another example, if the 2016 Oregon militia had been comprised of Muslims or Black Lives Matter protestors, they would have instantly been tear gassed and shot by a mass of local police and federal agents sporting Homeland Security grant funded military gear.
George Bush, Jr.'s, administration didn't create these methods of domestic political violence. In reality, similar
systems have been used to commit acts of genocide against Native Americans for more than 500 years, to subjugate peoples, steal their lands and rape the earth for its mineral resources.34 The Spanish with the help of Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortez, and Hernando deSoto, began the infection, enslavement and slaughter
of millions of indigenous peoples throughout the Caribbean and the Americas.35
Similar methods of political violence have also been used for 400 years against enslaved African Americans and continued after Emancipation: Sexual and economic slavery, rape, maiming, arson, murder, and the resulting Great Migration of 6.5 million persons from the south to cities across America, only to find more white supremacists, continued segregation and ghettos. Similar to those political ghettos, Native Americans have referred to the reservation system as political prisons ever since they were established.
After WWII, interned Japanese Americans were apologized to in the form of financial compensation for their horrific experiences and losses which were valued beyond dollar amounts. Today, like those Japanese Americans from coast to coast, every person can be liable to be caught in the cross hairs of national security racketeering, Indexed, Watchlisted, and held as a virtual political prisoner by constant surveillance and ‘roving choke points'. Unlike after WWII, the federal government today refuses to acknowledge these gestapo tactics, refuses to acknowledge a national security policy of incarceration, assisted-suicide and ghettoization, and refuses, so far, to admit to the resulting crimes of cultural cleansing and genocide.
Look at today's available statistics and draw similarities: 48 million people are on food stamps, 170 million adults depending on social services of one form or another, assisted-suicide rates up throughout age brackets, 1.6 million urban homeless people and counting, 1.6 million people actually incarcerated, and only 63% participation in the civilian work force, which means 36%, or more than 120 million of the able bodied civilian population don't have jobs. Meanwhile, President Obama just announced the current Department of Labor unemployment rate at 5.1%57, but that statistic obviously isn't correct for several reasons: Those who've been unemployed too long are forced off compensation and are removed from the DoL statistics (add untabulated amount); those people sacrificed by capitalism (add 4%) who've never worked aren't included in unemployment roles; those who qualify for food stamps (add a portion of 15%) cannot also receive employment income more than $1200 per month, meaning they don't meet full employment criteria; and, the previously self-employed, the 'new poor',58 never qualified for Unemployment Compensation since they worked for themselves and a vast majority didn't pay into Social Security's compensation system, thus were never included in these DoL statistics (add untabulated amount).
These statistics are not fictionalized. Looking at similar statistics on Native reservations, inner cities like Baltimore or Detroit, or in southern towns such as Crawford or Brooksville, Mississippi, double or triple these rates.59 Understood in context, true figures such as these when linked to their political causes only reflect a hidden federal policy of disappearance 60 by way of ghettoization, of poverty and homelessness used as rightwing political tools,61 62 63 as they were in 'Manifest Destiny' America and in Nazi Germany.
Billionaires like the Koch brothers, whose father happened to refined oil for Hitler’s regime, have been funding this right-wing coup while their financed GOP politicians reduce food allotments for the poor,65 promote violence against women,66 destroy medical care for veteran women and men after they return from war,67 and deny affordable college loan programs after which the Koch's foundation privately offer monies to African American college students with the hope that they become thankful right-wingers.68 Self-deportation measures which destroyed Mexican American communities and local economies throughout Arizona were promoted by those same GOP politicians. Then, the Koch's again privately offered food packages and aid to those remaining community members they had impoverished.69
Michigan's Governor Snyder's method was to declare a state of emergency in five African American communities before disrupting democracy by appointing managers to replace elected officials. These managers then poisoned the water in Flint, and disrupted schools and water supply systems in Detroit. Lakota and Navajo peoples in the Dakotas, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona are also being poisoned, but by uranium instead of lead, and have been since Eisenhower's administration through the help of private corporations, state environmental authorities, the Atomic Energy Commission, and elected politicians. 71 72 73
The ghettoization of millions of Americans and the current criminalization phase of the homeless is not a local or individual state-wide phenomena, it is a policy of political violence with deep historic roots being waged, again, against millions of innocent peoples. This current reiteration of political violence must be discussed and recognized by every citizen and politician in order to destroy their ignorance of and blindness to this underlying politically violent phenomena which is destroying the very fabric of democracy.