I appreciate the hard work that dozens of church groups, working people, veterans' organizations, mental health groups, non-profit organizations (yes and local gov't as well) are doing to provide shelter, food and most importantly housing to thousands of homeless people without shelter every day and every night. Are these groups perfect? No. Do they do their very best? Yes. Do they sometimes make mistakes and not do enough? Yes. I strongly advocate more and better services for the thousands of homeless people in Colorado. I advocate more and more varied shelter opportunities than a bed in a dormitory at night or a comfortable chair in a shelter for the day. For those on the streets, I advocate for more comfortable places to stay during the long days. I advocate for more unlocked bathrooms and rest stops where homeless people can use bathroom facilities, clean themselves up and take care of their appearance while they look for job training, education and employment. I advocate a room with a door with a lock and key where they can keep themselves and their belongings safe and clean. And of course the most important of all, really low cost housing that lets them turn their lives around and join the housed in Denver.
These desires are shared by all of us who are working with and for the homeless people. Let's together push harder on our city councils and state legislature to bring this about – and quickly, because with all our prosperity and astounding development, cities are also experiencing a disaster for their lower income and especially homeless people.