Depicted by
Mr Calvin Calloway
(AKA) Sir Lord Calvin Calloway
(AKA) The Governor of All Legislatures
Mr Calvin Calloway
(AKA) Sir Lord Calvin Calloway
(AKA) The Governor of All Legislatures
An introduction of the book of Calvin C.
First and foremost my sovereignty is my intelligence. This expresses and implies that my authority, strength and power come from what knowledge I possess. In other terms I don't put my problems into any other source’s hands but my own.
I believe that if any human entity cultivates the belief system to put their problems into an unknown source’s hands--which in most cases is Jesus or Allah (God’s hands)--then these human beings who utilize such a method will not be thinking for themselves. During the span of time I've lived, I’ve observed that, when one puts their problems in the unknown source’s hands, their trials and tribulations will remain for weeks and even centuries on end.
For example, everyday administration in America is inconsistent--especially all city, county, state and federal governments and administrations which are composed of these individuals who govern every society in America. These people who govern us apply themselves and their duties and obligations in an inequitable and close-minded manner. All city, county, state, and federal government officials or employees are in alliance with the big producers and controllers, which transparently shows that these government officials at all levels don’t have the interests of all the public in mind.
Such a mindset by those officials constitutes the rape of democracy. When democracy is raped there is no law, because when those who govern us
Americans are not held accountable for not giving proper due care to the underdogs, the lawlessness of the private interest groups consisting of the big producers and controllers prevails. When American society is not governed by accountable and responsible leaders, then that makes the cross in America crooked and these governmental officials are nailing all Americans to their crooked cross.
These government officials and their administration are the first to tell the general public to pray on the problems that we Americans are faced with. Yet these same officials and leaders have created the problems--thus causing all Americans including themselves undesired grief. These problems must be cured or treated speedily through quick remedies or reform, radical reform, revolutionary reform to address the socio-political problems we American people and all other nations are facing. Praying to Jesus or Allah God will not cause our problems to disappear radically, revolutionarily and speedily, because the ones who are the primary sources of all of humankind’s problems are the human beings who we the general public elect to govern us. They make up the administrations in America, whether they are said to be private or public.
Most if not all members of city, county, state, and federal governments have an oppressive nature--by which I mean that their egos are inflamed. They cultivate themselves as the secondary identity that they use to define their job titles: such as mayor or governor or lawmaker--totally forgetting that they the government officials are human beings first. So this expresses that their decisions must benefit all humans from the underdogs to the big producers and controllers..
These secondary identities that are used to describe us humans is another core problem we have that makes it difficult for us to live harmoniously. For example, this word God when used by the believers is such a terrible myth. These believers in this God call this he/she or it--whom they believe to have created all and everything human material or otherwise--a “he” which is closed-minded and prejudiced toward females.
One said human entity cannot really explain how all and everything--human, material or otherwise--actually came into existence. In the beginning, when humans tried to determine that which is enigmatic--how the wind, sun, moon, stars and everything on earth arrived and came into fruition--they could not explain these things. At first they called this unknown creator force the supreme worker. Later they decided to call the creator of everything god (written lower case).
When we humans decided to call the creator of everything God, this decision led to the problem of we humans submitting to objects. Now today--meaning subsequent to the American so-called revolution--that is when the so-called modern man just replaced subjects with objects, such as the white race, the American, the Iranian, the Christian, the Muslim and so on.
So now most if not all humans cultivate these secondary identities as their primary identity. These secondary identities are objects, such as Negro, Caucasian, American, and Iranian, that were used to replace the identity subjects, who had to submit to the will of the king. And in today’s time, when we humans have a job that has a lower status in the hierarchy than that of the supervisor, the subordinate employee as an object has to be less than a human being to keep their job. This lower employee at this function has to submit to the will of their supervisor. More often than not, this human in a lower status will lose their job for challenging their supervisor even if the supervisor is wrong.
The bottom line to Calvin C's story and book is that the ethics of all administrations in America, public or private, must become equitable in their decision making. And secondly, one existing human being who has a secondary identity, such as black, white, American or Iranian, must only play politics with this secondary identity--which isn't their primary human identity--when it is time to be a black human in favor of black. Which means if one is treated bad because they look black or white, then and only then is it time for this black or white human being to be justifiably pro-white or pro-black or pro-American or pro-Iranian. Then and only then can any human being or group of human beings share peace and harmony among themselves.