Author Unknown
I like when people say I don't vote...and they all say why vote. They all lie, cheat and steal. And the people who do vote they say the same thing they al lie cheat and steal but they do sometimes some good things. I feel like we are in an abusive relationship with the Gov't. And we are the beat up chich from the show Cop's” saying he beats me because he loves me. I think it is weird that we all this but we still hire them. I mean who does t”why hat in an interview. They know they are going to steal from you … they know they are going to lie to you... and they going to cheat you. The have set the bar so low that when they do something awful we all say it could have been worse. Like at least they didn't kill us. And the people that don;t like this their go to is always “ why don't you go back to your country” Like the policies that the United States made does not effect other parts of the world.
Cuba, N Korea, Iran , Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Cuba have all been affected. If I am in your back yard and I am telling you abwhere I was out this and you are still ignoring me...what attention are you going to give me if I am 2000 miles away where I was from…how are you going to hear me then.
Cuba, N Korea, Iran , Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Cuba have all been affected. If I am in your back yard and I am telling you abwhere I was out this and you are still ignoring me...what attention are you going to give me if I am 2000 miles away where I was from…how are you going to hear me then.